How do I apply a promo code or voucher to my order?
If you have a discount or voucher code, you can apply it to your order in your cart or during the checkout. You can use this code for most of the products on our marketplace.
Please note that specific terms and conditions apply:
- Discount codes can be used only within specific timelines. Expired discounts cannot be applied to your order
- Discounts for specific products and collections apply to these products and collections
- Only one discount applies to your order.
- Discounts and vouchers cannot be combined.
- Discounts cannot be applied to the following types of offers: Bundles, Buy More & Save More
- Discounts cannot be applied to add-on products, usage licenses, and more.
- Discounts cannot be applied to products that include the Basic package
- Discounts cannot be applied to shipping and handling fees as well as tips
- Discounts cannot be applied to purchases that you make with vouchers
- Any promo discounts posted on this website and other resources don’t apply to business or wholesale orders. We offer flexible bulk pricing and custom solutions for businesses on a case-by-case basis. Please contact to discuss your project.
- Discounts cannot combine with vouchers or gift cards & certificates. We also don’t offer cash refunds on these types of products for unused quota.
Covatar Market reserves to cancel vouchers and discounts at any time without prior notice. We do not take responsibility for any unsanctioned discounts given to you from another party without our prior written approval.
Avoid scams! Do not purchase vouchers from unauthorized resellers. We’re not responsible for these sales. If somebody offers you a cash value voucher for a “good” price, contact our support immediately at