HEY THERE! I'm Aniartix

The closest thing to me is a book or magazine illustration, with natural, unobtrusive textures, thin lines, and harmonious colors. I compose a palette of two or three colors for each portrait that suits the particular model and creates the right mood. Sometimes I work on small details, yet sometimes the image is made up of more simplistic elements. I always note the unique features of the model's face and convey them in the portrait, even if the manner is stylized.


My works

My story

As a child, I loved looking at illustrations of various books. This activity always cheered me up and brought me aesthetic pleasure. We can say that my career began with sketches of frames from comics about Tom and Jerry — pretty unpretentious pictures, but I found something special in the idea of comics.

It fascinated me how you can tell the whole story with these simple pictures. At that moment, I realized that I also want to draw well enough so that my work would also be published in different books. Moving towards my goal, I am studying at a university to become an illustrator. I am gradually building a portfolio, collaborating with print publishers, and participating in various art projects such as Covatar. I love the satisfaction of drawing people. It's interesting, isn't it? Everyone is so beautiful in their own way! I draw portraits to capture each person as they are — unique and individualistic. I am very inspired by people with interesting looks, good music, and creativity. I love my calm, measured life in the circle of close people. I prefer to live for today and enjoy all the good moments!

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