HEY THERE! I'm Yaaawny

My art is a mixture of real-life paintings and cartoon characters. They are bright, bold, expressive. I like explosive bright colors that make them never get too boring. I transform life into my work by adding luscious paints, neon reflections, sun spots and stars. I decisively make use of clear lines, bold contrasts and dynamic compositions.


My works

My story

Drawing was always the best way for me to get attention and meet new people without having to speak first. Even though I’m not so good at social interactions, I like people and it amazes me how different everyone is, so portraits became my favourite thing to draw. I loved cartoons and comics when I was growing up (and I still do!) so I like to imagine every person as a character with their own cool design.

I’m happy to be a part of the Covatar team because here I get to see so many unique combinations of features and even read some backstories sometimes. The other wonderful side of this job is knowing that every drawn portrait is someone’s smile!

Let's create an amazing portrait together!

Join us on the creative journey to your very own piece of art.

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Our illustrators work hard to create Covatars every day. On this page, you can show your appreciation and tip the illustrator who worked on your Covatar. We will make sure they receive your tip!
Denominations: $10